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Cheap Memory card for PSP


Without a decent memory card , you are limiting yourself. PSP has many capabilities, and with a large memory card(4GB, 8GB and above) you can ditch your mp3 player, and even an mp4 player if you have one, as the PSP will take care of your (almost) every need!

PSP memory card

Without a decent memory card , you are limiting yourself. PSP has many capabilities, and with a large memory card(4GB, 8GB and above) you can ditch your mp3 player, and even an mp4 player if you have one, as the PSP will take care of your (almost) every need! If you’re a pirate(curse you!) a memory card of at least a few gigs is essential.

Unfortunately, the price of Pro duo memory cards has not lowered as much as the more commonly used memory cards such as micro SD , or SD, so now your left with the dilemma, you want a big reliable memory card for your PSP, but don’t fancy the price tag!

You can do what I did, and purchase cheap cards online. The lesson I learnt from this was if something seems too good to be true, then it probably is. Here are the main reasons why you should be cautious before handing over money for a cheap memory card:

-Cheap(/fake) memory cards can suffer from numerous problems. Firstly, although they may be labelled as being genuine Sony or SanDisk cards, they will on average have a lower build quality then their authentic counterparts.

-Another problem that arises is the fake memory card may not have the advertised capacity. Even if your “8GB” card comes up on your PC as having 7.67GB free, if may only be able to hold 4 GB of data before it complains that it is full.

-The final main problem associated with fake memory cards is that the read and write speeds will be unbearably slow. Too slow to play demos / backups. Not to mention you can have your dinner in the time it takes to copy an album onto it!

Although there are legitimate cheap memory cards on the net, my advice would be as follows:

Purchase a micro SD to Pro Duo adapter, and purchase a micro SD card of the desired size locally, in a trusted shop. Chances are it will be considerably cheaper than an actual Pro Duo card of that same size!

They will most certainly be of decent build quality, have decent read and write speeds, and also, will have the advertised capacity, which is always good!

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